Friday, August 11, 2006

Добре Дошла/ Welcome / Bienvenue

  • От днес (11 август 2006г.) Глори живее с нас. Досега за нея се грижеха Соня, Веско и тяхното коте. Новата среда не я стресира много - лудува, маркира територия, хапва и спинка добре. Излизанията навън са ГОЛЯМОТО ново и може би заради това - все още стресиращи. Все пак днес беше първи ден навън. С толкова емоции!
  • From today (the 11th of August 2006) Glory lives with us. Sonya, Vesko and their cat took care of her, until now. The new ambiance didn’t put too much stress on her – she’s romping around, marking her territory, eating and sleeping well! Going out is the brand new experience for Glory, thus it’s a bit straining. After all today was her fist day out. So many emotions to experience!

  • Dès aujourd’hui (le 11 Août 2006) Gloire vit avec nous. Sonya, Vesko et leur chat ont pris soin d’elle jusqu’ici. La nouvelle ambiance ne lui a pas causé un grand stress – elle s’amuse follement, marque son territoire, mange et dort bien. Les promenades représentent le grand nouveau qui est un peu stressant encore. Quand même c’était son premier jour dehors. Que d’émotions !


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