"Lifestyles of the rich and the famous..." - 3
Начинът на живот на богатите и известни...черни лабрадори...Или черните лабрадори, чиито собственици са богати и известни. Третото представяне от поредицата се пада на Мърфи, красавецът на актьора Дъстин Хофман.
Black labs...Or the black labs who's owners happen to be rich and famous. It fell to Murphy, the good-looker of the American actor Dustin Hoffman, to stand second to Jackson in these series.
Les modes de vie des Labradors noirs... Ou les labradors noirs dont les propriétaires sont riches et célèbres. Après Jackson, il est tombé à Murphy, le charmeur de l'acteur américain Dustin Hoffman, de continuer avec les présentations dans cette série.
Labels: famous fameux
Hello ~ I Bark your blog:O)
Hope you stop by mine sometimes, so we can make friends.
Tailwags Sir Chancelot
Hello again - how are things with you?
Congratulations on the magazine article.
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@Sir Chance-Lot Thank you ! Paws up !
@Indy Thanks! I hope that very soon we will be able to see our precious princess. I'll keep you posted.
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