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На 15 август Нашите Чернилки стават на 16 месеца=на 16 човешки години, т.е. пълнолетни! По този повод им подарихме по една ежедневна и една официална (копринена) рокля. Официалните само ги пробваха, защото бяха уморени от обедната игра и няма достатъчно ефектен демонстрационен материал (поръчала съм да им ги облекат на официалния празник), а с ежедневните ги докарахме, опитаха ги и на вкус. Естествено, и облечени се държаха, както и безсрамно голи...
текст: Руми
August 15 – our black girls turn 16 months = 16 years (old in people years?), thus almost of full age! On the occasion of the gala day we gave them each a casual and a formal (silk) dress. They’d only try on the elegant ones, because the girls were weary of fooling around the in the lunch break and they didn’t have enough striking material to show off (I asked the keepers to dress them well at the anniversary). As for the casual – we dolled them up and they tasted the fabric. Of course it came natural to them to behave fashionably dressed as if they were both daringly naked…
text: RumiLe 15 août – nos filles noires font 16 mois = 16 ans (ans humains ?), donc presque majeures ! A l'occasion de la fête nous leur avons donné, chaque, une grande tenue (de soie) et une de chaque jour. Elles n’ont pu essayer que les robes élégantes, parce que les filles étaient fatiguées des jeux pendant la pause déjeuner, et en plus, elles n'avaient pas eu assez de matériel frappant pour défiler (j'ai demandé aux gardiens de les habiller bien à l'anniversaire). Quant à la tenue de chaque jour – nous les avons pomponnées, et, elles ont goûté le tissu. Bien sûr, il leur est venu naturel de se comporter très à la mode comme si elles étaient à poil…
texte: Roumi--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Labels: glorious glorieuse, school, sister
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