Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ebony and ivory - 2

And yet another one:

Hey, Little Old Man, unlike Lilla Gubben* you got out of hand!



* - Pippi's horse is called "Lilla Gubben" in Sweden. Translated into English it would be " Little Old Man".

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ebony and ivory...

...Live together in perfect harmony...Because black goes so well with white, we decided to dedicate yet another humorous post about the popular monochrome form of visual art.

Unlike Pippi, I am not able to lift a whole horse one-handed without difficulty. But I could give you a bit of my black for your own spots!


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Sunday, May 20, 2007

2 stupid dogs

Не отгатнахте...съвсем. Не обичайните заподозрени, а истинските герои на анимацията на Хана-Барбара. Да пази Господ от такива кучета водачи!

You have guessed it…wrong. Not the common suspects but the authentic characters of the animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Cartoons. God forbid guide dogs like this!

Vous l’avez deviné … faux. Pas les suspects communs mais les héros authentiques de la série animée de télévision produite par Hanna-Barbera Cartoons. Dieu vous soit en aide avec des chiens guide comme cela!


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Междукултурен диалог / Intercultural dialogue / Dialogue interculturel

Вероятно това не е никаб, хиджаб, джилбаб, ал-амира, дупата, химар, чадор или бурка. Но покривалото си отива с веселото настроение.

Probably it is not niqab, hijab, jilbab, al-amira, dupatta, khimar, chador nor burka. But this veil goes well with the cheer.

Probablement ce n’est ni niqab, hijab, jilbab, al-amira, dupatta, khimar, chador ni burqa. Mail le voile va bien avec l’enjouement.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Честит имен ден -2! / Happy Namesake Day -2!/ Heureux Jour Onomastique -2!

Тортата / The cake / Le gâteau

На 6 май празнуват Георги, Гергана и нашата Грима! Етимологията на името отвежда до старонорвежкия – женската форма на Grim, значещ „маска”, но може и да се използва като словообразуващ елемент: -grima (моряк), -grima (бурен, буен, пламенен). И да внесем смут ще добавим, че от староанглийски –грима означава „призрак”. Не я бъркайте с героя на Толкин от „Властелина на пръстените”! Всъщност рожденото име на другото „черно куче” е Бета. То е с гръцки корен \b(e)-ta\, втората буква от гръцката азбука или средноевропейският вариант на Бет. Наричайте я както искате, просто Честит имен ден Бета-Грима-Гримчо!

The 6th of May is celebration day for Georgi (George in Bulgaria), Gergana and our Grima! The etymology of the name lead to the Norse - female Viking name, Feminine form of Grim, meaning ‘mask’, but it could be also used in compounds with the popular second components: -grima (fisher), -grima (fierce, wild, impetuous). Just to add confusion, the Old English -grima means 'ghost'. Not to be confused with the fictional character in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. But as a matter of fact the other “black dog” is nee Beta. The girl's name Beta \b(e)-ta\ is of Greek origin. Second letter of the Greek alphabet. Also a middle-European variant of Beth. Call it whatever you want, just Happy Namesake day Beta-Grima-Grimcho!

Le 6 mai est fêté par ceux qui portent le nom Guéorgui (George en Bulgarie), Guérgana et notre Grima ! L’étymologie du nom conduit au norois – le féminin de Grim, qui veut dire « masque », mais aussi peut-on l’employer comme un second élément de noms composés : -grima (pêcheur), -grima (énergique, acharné,e). Et pour semer la confusion on peut ajouter que Grima, de normand, se traduit comme « fantôme ». Ne la confondez pas avec le héros tolkienien! Mais en fait on sait que l’autre « chienne noire » est née Béta, un nom qui provient de l’origine grecque. La deuxième lettre de l’alphabet grec et la variante de Beth de l’Europe moyenne. Appelez-la comme vous voulez, simplement Bon Jour onomastique Beta-Grima-Grimcho!

"You're sweet like chocolate girl
Sweet like chocolate
You bring me so much joy
You're sweet like chocolate " - Shanks & Bigfoot


--> Grima * Glory <--

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Куче на деня / Dog of the day / Le chien du jour

За почест! 6 май – Глори ден в Dog of the day. Всеки ден там представят по едно куче, а на общата страница ни запознават с Любимеца на деня – снимката + личната му история, която пояснява нагледно как животните правят живота на хората по света по-хубав. Днес се пада на Глори! Макар страницата и повечето от посетителите й да са от САЩ, тя привлича интернет-потребители от цял свят. Над 125 нации са я видeли през септември 2001. Приемат се кандидатури на всякакви любимци. Безплатно е! Заповядайте и утре отново.


At the salute! May 6, Day of Glory on Dog of the day. Every day they (Pet of the Day) present a new pet photo and story to try to illustrate how animals enrich the lives of people around the world. Glory is to have this very day! Although this website is located in the United States and most of the visitors are from the U.S., the Internet users come from all over the world. At least 125 nations visited the site in September 2001. All pets are eligible. It's free! Come back and see us tomorrow.

Thank you!

Présentez armes ! Le 6 mai, une journée de Gloire sur Dog of the day. Chaque jour Pet of the Day présente une photo d’un(e) ami(e) de compagne et son histoire pour mettre en évidence comment les animaux enrichissent la vie des gens à travers du monde . Aujourd’hui la présentation est revenue à Glory ! Bien que le site soit localisé aux Etats-Unis et la plupart de ses visiteurs viennent de ce pays, il y a des internautes du monde entier. Plus de 125 nations l’avaient visité en septembre 2001. La candidature de tout animal est admissible. C’est gratuit ! Veuillez revenir demain.



Кукла / Mannequin / Mannequin

"Гледам, кукла си ти, която студено ме гледа с очи
Как да стопля, кажи, твоите изкуствени нежни черти..?"

Атлас - Кукла

Just because a piece of synthetic material has attracted Glory's attention, it doesn't make her a dummy.

Ce chien de plastique, au corps imparfait, ne prend pas soudainement vie

Résultat, elles passent leur temps à se faire distraire

Saturday, May 05, 2007

"Глори, Грима и Градът" 4 / "Glory, Grima & the City" 4 / « Glory, Grima & the City » 4

М като маршрутка. Повозихме се и тук. Гратис. / "S" like shuttle. We had a ride with it too. Gratis. / «S» comme shuttle. On l'a pris aussi. Gratuitement.

Грима го прави често
Grima does it often
Grima le fait souvent

Глори се е качвала веднъж:
Glory took it once:
Glory ne l'a pris qu'une fois:

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Friday, May 04, 2007

Strike a pose - 2 / Застани на поза - 2 / Garde la pose - 2

Introducing ... "A Day of Grima"...

Traffic jam

Like yeah, whatever

When people bore me, I close my eyes and try to remember the order the seven dwarfs marched in

Doc…Grumpy…Happy…Dopey…No, no, no…Doc


Ciao, bella


I’m the kind of girl that people find really attractive




Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Sister act

Glory + Grima = Grrrrrrrrrrrreat!

Грима: ЗАХАП! / Grima: SNAP!

Глори: ЗАХАП! / Glory: SNAP!

Because green goes so well with black

... цепеница / a lod / un rondin ...

These Girls have been working so hard ...


and it appears to be paying off.
