Girl of summer
And I can tell you
after the
Girl of Summer
has gone...
Labels: glorious glorieuse, Glory City, Varna
Labels: glorious glorieuse, Glory City, Varna
posted by gloryole at 11:49 pm
Родена в Белград, Сърбия. Заедно с близначката Грима бяха в приемни семейства в София, после в училището в "Люлин". Рожденото й име е Брита, детето на Симонис Емина (мама) и Арамис (татко). Работи като куче водач във Варна / Place of birth – Belgrade, Serbia. Along with twin sister Grima, they were ensconced in foster families in Sofia. Then they both graduated the guide dog school. Born as Brita, the baby of Simonis Emina (mom) and Aramis (dad). Now she works as a guide dog in Varna / Lieu de naissance – Belgrade, Serbie. Avec sa jumelle, Grima, elles séjournaient chez des familles d'accueil. Puis elles ont fait leurs études à l'école de chiens guides. Nom à la naissance: Brita, l'enfant de Simonis Emina (maman) et Aramis (papa). A présent elle est chien guide d'aveugle à Varna
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